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What you focus on will fill you. If you focus on the Glory of the Lord, then the glory of the Lord will flow to you and then through you filling your being, and will in turn produce life in your mind and body and transform you into the image of God. It’s through the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit that the sinful nature is washed in the body, and washed from the mind, bringing a renewing to the mind and a divine nature to the body. 

However, next we are going to explore the direction of this focus. Not all focus is good. You can focus on fear based ideas and will in turn be filled with fear. You can focus on what you are doing for the Lord, and be filled with pride and self-righteousness. You can focus on what you are not doing for the Lord and be filled with failure and discouragement. The direction of our focus is the key to releasing the Radioactive Power Flow of the Holy Spirit from within our hearts!

There is only one way to focus, and only one way to look, and that is up! This principle is evident from the beginning to the end of the bible. So without further adieu let’s get into the secret principles of releasing the Power of the Holy Spirit. 

Psalm 121

1 I look “up”…— where does my help come from? 

You see the Lord is calling us to look “up” to him. Not look down at our circumstances and what the problems are, but to LOOK UP to Him, who is our SOLUTION. He is our help in time of trouble. We are not. Our efforts are not. Our best works are not. Our sacrifices are not. Only His Sacrifice and His Help. 

We will never release the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit if we look to ourselves or anybody other than God and His Grace. It’s by Grace we are saved, through Faith in that Grace, not faith in our great faith. Not faith in our works or our behavior or our good deeds, but only his Grace. Nothing else. 

Romans 11:6

6 And if it is by grace, then it is no longer by works. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace.

Romans 4:16

Therefore, the promise comes through faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed.

You see the only way to GUARANTEE the reception of the promise is through a focused faith that Looks to what He has done, is doing, or is going to do, THAT IS, HIS GRACE.  

We must look to His Grace, for our help in time of need. It’s time we start looking up to Him, and what He is doing, has done, and has promised HE IS GOING TO DO. Not what we promised we are going to do. That’s looking down to ourselves and our sacrifices and the works of our hands, not His! You see the bible says…

Isaiah 40:26

Lift “up” your eyes on high And look who has created these stars, 

Look to  greatness of His might and the strength of His power, 

God is calling us to Look up to what He has done. What He has provided. What He has created, and how amazing He is! Not what we have done or made, but to always stay focused on and Looking to and being filled with the Wonder of His Creation. The Wonder of His Majesty, the Wonder of His Magnificence! What you focus on will fill you. Focus on His Wonders, and you will be filled with Wonder. There is a filling you can have…

Acts 3:10

and they were filled with wonder and amazement

Now in the last few messages I have used the word “emanation.” Emanation is defined as..

  1. a radioactive gas formed by radioactive decay of a solid.
  2. form of radiation given off by something.
  3. the process of issuing from a source.

Notice how it’s defined using the Word “radiation.” Let’s define Radiation…

  1. the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles which cause ionization.
  2. the energy transmitted by radiation, as heat, light, electricity, etc.

Radiation is the flow of energy through a substance. In this case, you are the substance in which the radiant flow of the Holy Spirit flows to and then through into the atmosphere.

But if you are not a technical person, then maybe this will make sense. Have you ever put your hand near something hot, say a hot stove or engine, and felt the heat coming off of it? Well, that heat was emanating and radiating off of the steel and being transferred and transmitted through the air. It was the air molecules that are then carrying that energy, and also the water vapor in the air that also carries the energy. 

Or how about a radiator? I know up North, when I lived in Chicago, we used to have radiator’s, and you could feel the heat coming off of them. So it is with your body. When you are filled with Radiant Flow of the Holy Spirit’s Presence it can be felt and transmitted and transferred to the atmosphere and others through the laying on of hands! This radiant power is the Power of the Holy Spirit! It’s the same Power that Jesus had and was filled with. It can be both seen and felt! For example.. Look at these scriptures! No pun intended! 

Psalm 34:5

They looked to Him and were radiant, 

Wow!!! They “Looked” (up) to Him and the resulting effect was they were RADIANT! Why? Because by looking “up” they opened their hearts to THE RADIOACTIVE AND RADIANT FLOW OF THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, which flowed to them, and through them, affecting their faces, their smile, their countenance and their being! They began to GLOW, with the Power of God’s EMANATING Presence!!! 

It’s time you start RADIATING WITH THE FLOW OF GOD’S POWER!!! Look at the effect it had on Moses! 

Exodus 34:29-35

29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.

Moses had become a radiant reflection of the Emanating Presence of God which is the flow of the Glory of God! And not just Moses, but also Stephen, look at Stephen! 

Acts 6:15 (NLT)

At this point everyone in the high council stared at Stephen, because his face became as bright as an angel’s.

You see Stephen was faced with death, and his focus was on the Lord he was looking UP to the Lord.  How do I know he was looking up? Well, because I know from both experience and from scripture that Looking Up will release the Radiant Flow of the Holy Spirit like we saw above, in Psalm 121, but just to prove it to you let’s continue with Stephen’s case… Look what the next chapter of Acts says, about the Radiant Stephen!

Acts 7

54 When the members of the Sanhedrin heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. 55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, LOOKED UP to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56 “LOOKE (UP)” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”

I couldn’t make this up if I wanted to!!! Stephen was LITERALLY LOOKING UP, and telling them to LOOK UP!!! Glory to GOD!!!! For he gives us the secrets and the keys to the Kingdom of God, which is MANIFEST in the RADIOACTIVE AND RADIANT POWER FLOW OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!! Amen!! 

And then the very last thing Stephen said as they were murdering him was, “Lord do not hold this “sin” against them!” What sin? The sin of Not Looking UP! This sin, will lead to all other sins! Not looking up is the result of NO POWER FLOW, NO LIFE FLOW, NO. If we never look up, then we will stay SHUT OFF, to the POWER FLOW of the Holy Spirit. Our gaze, determines whether we are open or closed to the flow of Life, that is, the flow of the Rivers of Living Water that are stored up inside of us, if we are children of God! 

Psalm 24:9

Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.

You see when we (the gate/valve/door) lift up our heads, and lift it up the Glory of God flows through our doors, and comes in! Comes into our heart, mind, emotions and body! Oh, let the Glory flow! How? By lifting up our head! By looking up! It couldn’t be more plain to see! How awesome!!

Nebuchadnezzar is another example of being shut off to the Glory of Gods’ Presence through his gaze, and through His Looking “Down” on His Greatness and Not God’s Greatness!

Daniel 4:30

He said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?” 33 At that moment the sentence against Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from mankind. He ate grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.

You Nebuchadnezzar was looking at what he had done. His eyes were on his greatness. His focus was on what he was doing for God, his majesty! This is like most of us. We are not focused on How Big God is, but how big our circumstances are, or how big our threats are, or how big people are, or how big we are. This focus will only result in either pride, fear, and self-righteousness. 

But the solution is always the same, that is, “Look Up!” Let’s continue with Nebuchadnezzar and see if he found the solution.

Daniel 4:34

At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked “up” toward heaven, and my sanity was restored.

Where did he look? Uppppp!!! Yes, he finally looked up, and was enabled to look up! And what happened!? The result was his “sanity” or “soundness of mind” was restored! How? From the emanating Power Flow of the Holy Spirit! You see it could have just said that His Sanity was restored, but no! It was revealed that “He Looked UP!!!” Then his sanity was restored!! Amen. 

So what other proof is there that the position of our eyes, or our gaze opens the valve/gate/door within us? Well, I am glad you asked. Let’s look into the life of Cain and Abel. 

Genesis 4

3 So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit of the ground 4 Abel, on his part also brought off the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions.

And the Lord had regard for ABEL AND FOR HIS OFFERING. 5 but for Cain and for his offering HE HAD NO REGARD. (Gk. – paid no attention) So Cain became very angry and his face fell. 6 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your face fallen? 7 If you DO WELL will not your face be lifted up? And if you DO NOT DO WELL, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” 8 Cain told Abel his brother. And it came about when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.

Before we begin on the focus of the eyes, and looking up or down, let’s talk about the difference between the offerings of Cain and Abel. The bible says, 

Hebrews 11:4

By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.

You see two saved children of God can both offer sacrifices. One, like Abel’s can be in true Faith, that is in What God has already provided, or one can be like Cain’s in what you can provide for God. Let me put it simpler. Abel’s sacrifice was a sacrifice that was offered in faith in what God had done, is doing, and will do. Conversely, Cain’s sacrifice was offered with a focus on what he had done, was doing, and was going to do for the Lord, which is not true faith, but only faith in his own works. Cain had faith in his sacrifice, not the sacrifice that God required. 

In our case, under the new covenant, the principle is the same however the sacrifice is that of Jesus, not our own! But if we are looking at what we have done for God and not focusing on what He has done, or is doing, or will do for us, we will ALWAYS shut off the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit, and all of our ‘dead’ works will be rejected. Why would I call them dead? Because they were not done by the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit for His Glory and Honor, they were done in the flesh!

Let’s get back to Cain and Abel, and Cain’s “down” cast face (gaze).

So Cain became very angry and his “countenance” fell.

The Word translated mostly “Countenance” (facial expression)

Doesn’t reference facial expression, but direction of your face, or faces. 

The word used is 6440 in the Greek Concordance, and is “panim…”

It means to, “turn and face the ground, look down, gaze at the ground.” 

You see, Cain was then cut off from the Presence of God, and God’s people as a result, and his face. 

Genesis 4

And if you DO NOT DO WELL, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you,…”

“If you do not do well” that is, if you do not look to me and what I am doing and have done, by faith, but instead continuously focus on and look to what you are doing for me, then sin will enter your heart. How? Through the “door” that it comes through. If the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit is not flowing to you and through you pushing back on the sin that desires to rule your mind and body from the outside in, then it will enter your heart, through that same door! 

You see here are the keys and secrets to life. That Life is within you and is released by “faith” only, and it’s by fath in His Sacrifice not yours, His Cross not yours, His Works not yours, His deeds not yours! The Radiant Power Flow of the Holy Spirit is a River that is Released by your valve handle, that is your Gaze and the Focus of your eyes! And your focus has a direction, that is either up or down. Amen. 

So let’s talk about Dead Works. 

Dead Works are Works that you do “for God,” in order to get/gain or earn his acceptance and/or favor. A dead work is a work that is done for you glory and honor, and done for your name, not his. It’s any work that is performed in the flesh without the Life Giving Power Flow of the Holy Spirit. This is why it’s called, “Dead.” Because the River Flow of “Living Waters” is not the source of the Work, but we are. Our pride is. Our self-righteousness is. Our fears are. 

Dead Works are considered evil, and are always rejected by God and considered “self-righteous,” This is why God has said…

Hebrews 11:4

By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.


1 John 3:12  

We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds WERE EVIL and his brother’s RIGHTEOUS.


You see God is calling us to Repent, that is change our mind about how we are saved. We are not saved by what we do for the Lord, but ONLY by what he Has done, Is doing and Will do for us! We are saved by Grace, through Faith, lest any man should boast and be filled with pride or fear, or self-righteousness. 

Both Cain and Abel were working for God. One was doing work “for” God, and the other was doing the Works “of” God. One was the result of Looking Up, and was sourced from the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit, and one was sourced from “self,” and not the Flow of the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit will never empower you to do work for God, but only will lead you to yield to what He is doing through you! The Holy Spirit will never tell you to work for God, and show Him how good you can be! But only shift your attention UP to gaze upon His beauty, to Gaze upon His Goodness and His Greatness! 

You see the bible says…

Hebrews 6:1

repentance from dead works (DONE FOR GOD)

Hebrews 9:14

cleanse your conscience from dead works

Our focus, conscience, consciousness, and gaze has to come off of what we are doing, haven’t done, or might do for the Lord, and has to shift Up to what he is doing, has done, and is going to do, through the Sacrifice of His Son, and manifest in the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit.

I can hear some say now, “But doesn’t the bible say we will be judged by the works ‘we’ have done??” 

It absolutely does!!! 

God will look at them and decide, was that my work, or there’s?! 

Did I do that, or did they do that, for me!? 

Was that done for my honor or theirs? 

Was that a work of the flesh, or a Work of My Spirit?

You see the bible DOES say, 

Revelation 20:13

Another book was opened, which is the book of life. 

The dead were judged according to the works they had done as recorded in the books.

God is not going to Judge the works he did through you. Why? Cause they are HIS WORKS.

He is only going to judge the quality of your works, as tainted as they might/may be. And the only ones that will escape the fire, are the pure works, those that were of Gold, and of God. 

Revelation 20:13

The sea gave up its dead, and Death and Hades gave up their dead, and each one was judged according to his works. (DEAD OR ALIVE)

Were they yours or His? Dead or alive? If they were done for God, to gain his acceptance or in fear of losing His acceptance, or without a revelation of the Finished Work of God through His Son Christ Jesus, then they will be judged as dead and in vain! The Apostle Paul talks alot about “vain” works. 

You see the Lord says, in the book of Revelation… 

Revelation 2:2-5 

2 I know your works, your toil and your perseverance.

4 Yet I hold this against you: 

You have abandoned YOUR FIRST LOVE

5 Consider where you have fallen! 

Make a decision to do the things you did at FIRST. 

You see, the Lord says, “Your works, Your Toil,” however says, they were not done with a focus on the Love of the Father, and all that He has done. They were done with a focus on how much they loved God, but not with a consciousness of His Love for them! They were trying to PROVE their love to God. They were in a state of Performance trying to be good enough to be accepted and loved by God. They were trying to EARN God’s love, not realizing that they were ALREADY LOVED, and that it was already finished!

What was the result of this “work and toil” for the Lord. That is, “their” works. The result was they were “fallen!” What had fallen? Their focus. The direction of their focus was on their love for God, not His for them. They were no longer looking up to the Love and Goodness of God, but their focus had shifted down to their work and love for God. 

You see this is amazing! And what was the solution. To do what they had done at first. That is meditate on the Goodness of God and what He has done through His son, and His Sacrifice, NOT THEIR OWN SACRIFICE. 

So if they abandoned their first love… what is that? The “first” love? Well, let’s look at scripture..

1 John 4:19

We love because he FIRST loved us. 

And love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us


As you focus on His Love, you will be FILLED WITH LOVE, by Grace and will be motivated and empowered by both the revelation of this Love, and Power of this Love, FROM THE INSIDE OUT. 

Your work is to realize and meditate on how much He  Loves you! 

No, Love is not how much we can prove we love God. It’s not that you loved God with all your great works! It’s that He FIRST LOVED you, and provided the sacrifice you are trying to provide. Far too often, we are trying to earn the result of acceptance through our sacrifice instead of receiving the result of acceptance and right standing  from His Sacrifice, that is through His Son…

1 John 4:9

This is how God’s love was revealed among us: 

God sent His one and only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him.

1 John 2:2

He Himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins,

He is the sacrifice that was and is needed. Our only sacrifice is to Look Up to Him, and realize all that He has done, is doing and will do, through This Sacrifice. He’s calling us to Look to His Love for us, not our love for him. 

Let’s shift our focus from proving our love for him and accept what He is looking to prove to us!

Romans 5:8

But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Love is what He has done. Not what you can do for him. 

But you say, “I have to do the works of God!” And you are right… but this is the Work of God..

John 6:28

Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” 

29 Jesus replied, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.”

Your work is to BELIEVE IN, His Loving work! Our job is to focus on and Look Up to His Sacrifice not our own, look up to him, and what he has done, Worship him, and to Gaze upon the Glory of His Finished Work, not our own! We can never finish what is only His to finish. We didn’t start it, and we can’t finish it, only he has and only he can, that is why the bible says…

Hebrews 12:1

by fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and FINISHER of our faith,

Look up!! And again look up…

Philippians 1:6

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will finish it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Our confidence should be in His Finish through us, not our finish for him. He will finish the Work He started, and in the end HE GETS ALL THE GLORY!!!

Let’s move onto the last section of this message. The bible says…

Galatians 5:4

You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen from grace.

You know when our Gaze falls, we are fallen from Grace. We are no longer looking up to Him, but are looking down to ourselves and circumstances and our great works. 

The word “alienated,” used in the above scripture is the Greek word, “katargeo,” and it means…

2673 katargéō (from 2596 /katá, “down to a point,” intensifying 691 /argéō, “inactive, idle“) – properly, idle down, rendering something inert (“completely inoperative”); i.e. being of no effect (totally without force, completely brought down); “to make idle or inactive” (so also in Euripides, Phoen., 753, Abbott-Smith).

You see when we look to our works for approval, and look at what we are doing, we are actually looking “down” and are “idling down.” Just like the engine of a car, or an engine. It, by the “governor” can be opened, or closed, idled up or idled down. 

You see even in this definition you can see that to be “alienated” from Christ is to really become fueless, or cut off from the Power Fuel of Christ which is the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit, the manifest Grace of God! 

But “alienation” is literally “down to a point, and is “down.” That is our Looking is down. We are no longer looking up to what He has done, or is doing, or is going to do, but are now looking down to what we have done, are doing, or are going to do for the Lord. Its with this gaze and focus that we shut off the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit! 

Look at what James says…

James 2:17, 20

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith (without works) is useless?

What is James saying? He is saying that faith if not accompanied by action is not realy faith, but only false faith that is focused on works and self, and not His Works and Him, and those works and that faith is in 2 states. 

The two states are “dead” and “useless.” So let’s look at what those two words mean in the Greek…

“Dead” is the greek word “nekros” and is the same word used in the scripture above, for “dead works.” 

It literally means, “unable, ineffective, dead, powerless.” Powerless, that is, because it is not empowered nor sourced from the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit, but is shut off, and idled down, with a Power Fuel Flow. 

“Useless” is, you’ll never guess! It is “argo” which is the root of “kat-argeo” above, and means… “inactive, idle.”

Why is it inactive and idle? Because the mindset of the governor is not “up” but idles “down to a point!” 

If our focus is down, and not up, and we don’t look up to Him and His Work, we will idle down, and shut ourselves off from the Fuel, and Power Flow of the Holy Spirit, and the result will always be idleness and inactivity for God. 

So what is the solution! It’s simple! Let’s make a decision from this day forward to shift our attention and focus back on God and what He is doing, on His Goodness, and His Works, and not our own, and instantly we will begin receiving and releasing the Power Flow of the Holy Spirit! 

And what will be the result!? Our faces will be RADIANT from this flow, our works will begin transitioning from our’s to His, our thoughts will begin transferring from ours to His. With this focus we will find ourselves naturally being used by Him, and opening in His Works and Works through us, and to us! We will find ourselves yielding to the Works “of” God and not forcing works “for” God.

Amen! It’s your time to shine!!! Amen!!!

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