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Scholars, archaeologists, and historians claim that the early chapters of Genesis are a redacted, plagiarized, modified version of the “much” older Babylonian stories of creation. But is this true? 

What if I told you, with all due respect, that these historians are professionally lazy, quick to shallow judgment, and intellectually dishonest. Why would I say this? It’s simple. 

If you compare the oldest Sumerian tablets to the later Akkadian and Babylonian versions of the same stories, it’s clear they were later modified, and their stories changed. It also becomes increasingly clear that the oldest Sumerian accounts, actually confirm the bible’s account. 

The later versions become fraudulent stories of human sacrifice and reveal that Yahweh removed their access to creative waters. 

Let me show you, in this mind-blowing Babel vs. Bible discovery entitled “Let Us make mankind”!

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