Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
John 7:38
It’s time to realize the Goodness of God and find the truth about His GOOD intentions in all that He has written!
Our goal and aim for the readers of this book is to empower them with a revelation of the Goodness of God, by Faith. It is our belief that as you get to know God through what he has Promised, then you can draw out of the Word of God the Goodness of God and can, in turn, learn to trust him on greater levels.
How can you trust somebody you think is out to get you? How can you follow someone whom you don’t know? The answer is, “You can’t!” Scripture says that Faith worketh by Love. Therefore, we believe that as you begin to receive the Love of God and grow in your knowledge of His Goodness and Intent for your life, this will empower your faith to its FULLNESS. Faith is believing and trusting in God until it manifests itself in following hard after God.
We believe that if you FOCUS on the PROMISES of God, this FOCUS will PRODUCE the FAITH and FIRE needed to apply the PRINCIPLES and COMMANDS of God. This FAITH in the Goodness of God, will in turn PRODUCE the fruit of God. We believe that all Fruit comes from Faith, and the greatest Faith is a Faith that is empowered with the Love of God.
After reading this book, we are CONFIDENT, that you will KNOW the HEART of God, and will TRULY believe in HIS GOODNESS and GOODWILL to you, who have began to place your trust in HIM on greater levels with GREATER FAITH in who HE IS, and WHO ARE IN HIM! Are you ready for your FAITH to truly reach RADIOACTIVE LEVELS!?! Well, let’s begin!!!
Radioactive Faith is a book that will EMPOWER your faith on heights and new levels that you never thought possible. The revelations within will build your CONFIDENCE and remove all hindrances to the reception of all God’s PROMISES for your life and the lives of those around you! This is a must read if you desire to answer the call of God on your life, and do what only others only dream of doing. If this book has reached your hands, we believe that God is going to use it to CATAPULT you into an UNSTOPPABLE DESTINY, through the knowledge of WHO GOD IS, and WHAT HE HAS PROMISED.
When finished reading this book, that is, if you can make it all the way through, you will KNOW GOD, and KNOW WHAT HE PROMISED and will have an UNSHAKABLE FAITH, that will MOVE MOUNTAINS, and will ACCOMPLISH the impossible through this Faith. Your FAITH will be A SPONTANEOUS RADIATION that will AFFECT AND INFECT everyone around you! Are you ready for the POWER OF THIS RADIATION?!
It’s time you live in freedom from fear, and get to know the Love of God, that casts out all fear!
There have been big known teachers that have huge audiences confusing the body of Christ, by sowing into their hearts seeds of fear and unbelief. They are guilty of gross negligence, many presuming to be teachers of the gospel, and many operate by a spirit of fear themselves. They preach and teach a mixed grace gospel, mixing in the law with grace and by doing so they burden the average Christian with a burden they were never meant to bear.
Any teacher of the bible who believes a born again child of God can lose or forfeit their salvation, is either an unbeliever or bewitched and confused. If you fall into this category, I submit to you today that this book IS TRULY for you. If you disagree, then this book IS TRULY for you.
Fear has been sown so strongly into the minds of believers and unbelievers alike, that to overwrite it is truly a monumental task. Unbelievers who perpetuate a works based gospel and a fear based gospel will fight you to the death, so that you remain in fear until you are convinced that you must save yourself on some level. They will fight you tooth and nail until you believe that you bear the responsibility of saving yourself and finishing the work of salvation.
These unbelievers will pound you with ideas that salvation is only partial, that it’s not really guaranteed, that you don’t really have a destiny, that you really can never truly know for sure. And the stick by which they beat you with is the rod of the law. Prevalent in every teaching is the this one principle: You must “do” something in order to save yourself. They make every discipline, every fruit, and obedience something you must do in order to be saved, and stay saved instead of preaching that these are the promises and fruit of people who are truly saved. They preach a backwards gospel.
My 5 year old wears his shoes backwards everyday, and constantly shuts the door on his 4 year old brother. These teachers, just like my son, unknowingly preach the gospel amiss, and shut the doors on their brothers. They are a religious group, believing that the disciplines of God are what pleases God, not realizing that without Faith it’s impossible to please God. They make Faith a work, by which you need to do, in order to please God. They make Love a work and action and a command by which you must “do” in order to please God.
Because their framework of Grace, Faith, and Righteousness is faulty, everything they read and interpret becomes a faulty iron fist, by which they beat the body of Christ into submission. Their favorite punches are, guilt, fear, worry, and unbelief. When they are done, you will truly believe that you must save yourself by your works, obedience, and even your faith. Instead of being saved by Grace, through faith, you will believe that you are saved by your faith, and that your faith is so great that you deserve God’s grace, and that your faith and great love have earned His Grace.
But enough about them and the problem! It’s time we get rid of these Radioactive Fears, and set you and the body of Christ free forever!!!
Each of these fear based, works based, and unbelief preachers have a host of scriptures that “allude to” prove their point. However when taking a closer look at how they are interpreting those scriptures, while reading them in the full context of scripture as well as in the full context of the bible we find their perspective and thinking is faulty and built upon false principles. The backdrop by which we teach is the Love of God, and the Grace of God, found in the face, life and teachings of Jesus Christ. From this backdrop we can see clearly all unbelief, fear, and faulty law based thinking.
So these questions remain….
Can a person who has been born again lose or forfeit their salvation? What is salvation? Is it eternal life truly eternal or only an opportunity? Did the work of Jesus only start the process of a born again child of God, but now it’s up to them to keep it? Will the Lord just let us go, or will we be overcome by him? Is our covenant inheritance eternal and guaranteed or not? Will God leave us and forsake us, his children? Can you become unborn again? Is there a chance that you will walk away from God, and he will let you, because he will not force you? Can you jump out of the hand of God?
Now mind you, this book is written to and for the children of God. Those who HAVE been born of God. This is not an evangelistic book in it’s focus, however it is so good, and so amazing, that naturally it will draw those who do not have covenants with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ to Him, by a spirit of attraction! It is the heart and nature of God to draw people to him in Love, and Mercy, not threaten them with fear based teachings in order to beat them into submission. No, Satan does enough of that!
Our goal and purpose for this book is to destroy every fear based biblical argument that a person can lose or forfeit their salvation.
We know and believe that if anyone reads this book, they will never be the same again, but will be set free permanently from unbelief, doubt and any fear that has been sown into their hearts and minds by false fear based teachers, misinterpreting scripture. Amen. We love you and God Bless you.
It’s time to release the flow of God’s Presence and His Power by Grace through Faith!
Contained in this book, are the SECRETS to life and the SECRETS TO SUCCESS or POWER. I say secret, because they are hidden to those who aren’t looking for them. All the while they were there, and people either chose not to believe they were behind the door, or simply were too distracted to look for any spiritual answers to a material physical world. The unseen is operating all around us. Just like radio waves, x-rays, gamma rays, and microwaves are invisible to the human eye and operate in a spectrum unbeknown to the human senses and perception, but can be scientifically identified with tools, instruments, and equations so it is with spiritual principles that release spiritual POWER.
Scientists through years of focused study and attention, have discovered x-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared, and so many other types of energy that is invisible to the human eyes, yet we benefit from this type of energy every time we turn on the radio, every time we heat something in the microwave, or every time we have to go to the doctor. So where am I going with this? You see just as there are physical scientists, there are also spiritual scientists that collectively through a collaborative effort and much study, focus, and observation over hundreds and thousands of years have discovered energy and principles that are invisible to the human eye and brain, yet are active in everyday of our lives, just as common as the force of gravity. These spiritual scientists are what you would call prophets, and the greatest of which was and will always be Jesus himself.
If you told someone 100 years ago that they would be able to talk to someone instantly in another state on a steel and plastic device the size of your hand, through invisible energy in the sky, they would have thought you were crazy!! Well, they thought Jesus was crazy too! So, out of all fairness, and even for the sake of good conversation and good thought, bear with me and we will discuss an energy or light that is on a frequency that cannot be seen and was considered by Jesus as “life or light,” and could be received and transmitted just like cell phones emit and receive radiation and electromagnetic energy on a spectrum that cannot be seen nor proven only by the natural senses of the physical part of the human body.
In this book, we are going to keep this book as practical as possible, slowly unveiling the truth of how to release the “invisible, yet tangibly felt” POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to anyone with any problem. The problems of life are really no problem at all, but they are only absent of the solution, and that is the “invisible, yet tangibly felt” POWER AND PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Just as dark is nothing at all, but only the absence of light, so are our problems. Just as the cold is nothing more than the absence of heat, so are our natural problems, and the problems of this world.
After years of releasing this “invisible, yet tangibly felt” POWER AND SOLUTION and witnessing miracles, healings and deliverances in my own ministry, the Lord has moved me to teach others to walk in and manifest the same for you! I am excited to release RADIOACTIVE AND RADIANT POWER FLOW, which reveals the secrets to releasing this POWER first to you, and then through you.
In this book we teach you how to release the flow of God’s Presence to you and then through you, so you can experience all of it’s benefits! It’s time you too step into the supernatural, and have God’s “super” activate your “natural.” It’s time you are washed, and empowered with the POWER FLOW OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, like never before!
It’s about time you start flowing in this POWER!
A website dedicated to helping people experience the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit, through Faith in God’s Loving Grace.