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Are the Annunaki in the Bible? Could the gods of Kingdom of Babylon be real? Can the ancient tablets about the Annunaki be corroborated by the Bible? Who are the sons of Elohim that were on the earth in the time of Noah, according to Genesis 6? 

And who is the exalted chief God of the Annunaki? The Enuma Elish say’s it’s Marduk, son of Enki. But who is Marduk? Who is he in the Bible? Does the bible reveal the true identity of Marduk? 

Well if you have wondered any of these things, I challenge you to keep an open mind and consider the ancient mysteries, locked up, yet being revealed, in this thought provoking message, entitled, Babel vs. Bible, Part 4, “Solving the Mystery of Marduk.” 

Join us and let us open your eyes to the biblical revelation of the true identity of Marduk, and of the fallen Elohim who control this world, the Annunaki, that is, the gods of Babylon the Great.

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