Paul Wallis, the author of the Eden Series, and creator of The 5th Kind YouTube Channel, was once a church minister, ministry teacher, and Archdeacon in the Anglican Church.
But after reading the Sumerian Tablets, Paul, like many others fell from the faith, failing to recognize that Yahweh is the God of the gods. Confused by the stories of Enlil and Enki, he along with others have failed to see that Biblically, Yahweh was working through the Sumerian gods.
And that’s ok, however, what’s not ok, is twisting scripture in order to prove and support the false and ridiculous claim that Jesus believed Yahweh was thief and murderer.
But is he right? Did Jesus really believe that Yahweh was just another fallen god—or did Jesus say Yahweh was both his Father, and God?
I know the answer… But as always, I’ll let you decide.